Apollo Documentation v2

Apollo v2 has the following endpoints:


  • Used to create schemas & credential definitions & get a list of them


  • Used to generate new connectionless challenges


  • Used to register a new wallet, connect with other users, issue and claim credentials, fulfil challenges and otherwise interact with your custody wallet

All requets to Apollo v2 follow this format:

  request: {
    type?: string,
    body?: object
  signature: string

The signature payload must be signed by the key associated with the wallet_name passed in the request.

wallet_name is the name of the wallet you’re interacting with type is dependant on the endpoint & body is dependant on type. Read on for the breakdown of valid types and bodies.


For /wallet, the following types may be used:


New wallet is used to register a new cloud wallet. A wallet may be created for any number of users and only requires that the wallet_name is passed in. The body maybe an empty object.

The return response will either be a {success:true} or an {errorMessage:string} errorMessages:

  • User already exists

TODO: In the future, new_wallet will also take in a public key that you would like to sign requests with. All future wallet requests would need to be signed by this key.


Create connection invite generates a base64 encoded invite URL. You can pass in any name for the connection_name parameter, think of this like setting the name in your contacts list.

  "request": {
    "wallet_name": string,
    "type": "create_connection_invite",
    "body": {
      "connection_name": string
  "signature": string

set connection_name to anything you want to name them


TODO: will send an invite to them via email/phone number


Send cred offer endpoint is only valid for wallets with issuing capabilities

  "request": {
    "wallet_name": string,
    "type": "send_credential_offer",
      "schema_name": string,
      "connection_name": string,
      "credential_values": {attribute_name:attribute_value, attribute_name:attribute_value}
  "signature": string


  "request": {
    "type": "complete_invite",
    "body": {
      "connection_name": string,
      "invite_url": string
  "signature": string


  "request": {
    "wallet_name": string,
    "body": {
      "offerName": string
  "signature": string


  "request": {
    "wallet_name": string,
    "type": "complete_challenge",
    "body": {
      "challenge_url": string
  "signature": string


TODO: waiting to be written will return the User object associated with the user account



  "request": {
    "type": "create_schema",
      "schema_name": string,
      "attributes": [attribute,attribute]
  "signature": string


  "request": {
    "wallet_name": string,
    "type": "create_credential_definition",
      "schema_name": string
  "signature": string



  "request": {
    "type": "new_challenge",
    "body": {
      "requested_attributes": [{"name":"attribute_name", restrictions?:[]}
  "signature": string